Mexico from Slides prt2: Mexico City

The Metropolitan Cathedral, right side

The Metropolitan Cathedral, right side

Our main goal was the remains of the Indian cultures; but in Mexico City there was a lot of Western-Christianity surrounding us during our first steps. We sneaked inside some of that. On the Zócalo was a huge cathedral: The Metropolitan Cathedral. I liked the cars in front of the right entrance. Inside more gold than heaven can bear.

The Metropolitan Cathedral, inside

The Metropolitan Cathedral, inside

The Antigua Basilica of Guadalupe

The Antigua Basilica of Guadalupe

Above, The Antigua Basilica of Guadalupe in the rain. It was sad anyway, because it was replaced by a modern one. At first glance I didn’t recognize it as a church. Then I had this funny form-association with the intake of a vacuum cleaner; hoovering the souls straight into heaven.

Basilica of Guadalupe

Basilica of Guadalupe

Basilica of Guadalupe prt2

Basilica of Guadalupe prt2

Doglike Devotion

Doglike Devotion

Inside it was quite dark and crowded.

Basilica of Guadalupe, inside

Basilica of Guadalupe, inside

The Virgin of Guadalupe is the ‘non-mother’ of this church and she did some pretty amazing healing in her days. Above the high altar hangs an icon-like painting of her behind bullet-proof glass. Downstairs was a small assembly line, which led me quietly along the Virgin while I took a shot.

The Virgin of Guadalupe

The Virgin of Guadalupe

Finally our first Aztec-meeting. The ruins of the Templo Mayor, that used to be one of the main temples of the Aztecs in their capital city of Tenochtitlan, as Mexico City was named in those days.

Templo Mayor, Aztec ruin

Templo Mayor, Aztec ruin

Templo Mayor, Altar of the Toads

Templo Mayor, Altar of the Toads

  1. ooops, just saw only the first one at the reader. wow, they are all great! The most I like the mix between colors and architecture at the Basilica de Guadalupe. Very uncommon and great captured.

    • Well, most of the time I just post one shot; but when travel is the subject it’s most of the time a series. It takes quite some time to regain the colors of these old slides and sometimes some of them have disappeared completely. Thanks, Markus.

  2. Björn said:

    There are some really good pairs of complementary images here, making the individual photos stronger than they would’ve been on their own. The muted colours and soft light are excellent and add another dimension to this set. A strong argument for doing some more travelling 😉

    • Thanks. It is still a bit strange to work on images from ‘photography-unconscious’ days, when I was spontaneously ignorant shooting around. And the ‘more-conscious-one’ is putting them together now. 🙂

  3. Love these shots of when you were in Mexico . Great work bud!! 🙂

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